Thursday, July 21

It's Official!!!

Who ever said that unemployment isn't exciting? 

Last Friday was my last day as the "Director of Communications" for the missions department at Rock Church!

Robin and I saying goodbye to Rock staff

My previous role definitely sounds exciting...and was, but I am much more excited to embrace my new role..."MISSIONARY".  

Wow, I never thought that I would be saying that.  I always thought of missionaries as weird, super spiritual nomads that just wander around the earth.
Well, fear not friends.  Robin and I are not going to wander the globe aimlessly.  As you all know, we are embarking on a journey to one of the most needy parts of the world, Haiti, and I wanted to let you all in on what we plan to do.

On August 23rd we will be heading down to a town called Jeremie for an exciting 16-month assignment, where we will be learning the Haitian culture and language (Creole) and providing leadership to 12 other missionaries.  Our vision is pretty simple; to see people's lives transformed by the love of God.

For our first 6 months the team will focus on teaching orphans and street children the truth of God's word, mentoring youth within the local churches, and drilling water-wells throughout the community. 

Inside of our first water distribution facility

The well produces over 3000 gallons of fresh drinking water per day

Long-term, Robin and I hope to establish an international training center for new missionaries, teaching them how to assimilate into a new culture while being exposed to relevant, cross-cultural ministry. 

Very exciting stuff and impossible without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and the support of our friends and family; which is why we are so glad to have you come along with us.

So, there it is. The adventure begins!


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