Tuesday, March 15

How it All Started

After the miscarriage of our second child in December 2010 we were devastated.  We had decided that we would wait the necessary two months and then consider trying to start a family. While Ryan was settling into his job, I was having a major shift in my ministry role, all things seemed to be lining up for a good time to start a family.

Well two months passed, and change did come, but not in the way that we expected it to!

One night Ryan was at work when a friend asked him, "Have you considered going onto the mission's field yourself?"  You see, Ryan's job was to help others be sent, and here the question was back at him.  He had been asked it a hundred times, yet this night it was different.

As he proceeded to explain to her that for now he knows he is supposed to stay focused on sending the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart, "Why don't you go?"

After this eye opening inner dialogue he know that the next hurdle would be me! 

I picked him up from work that night I took one look at him and knew!  As we sat on the couch and he explained the night, I too began to explain how God had been preparing my heart through a handful of conversations and experiences the past month.

At this point we didn't know where we would be going, but we were both in agreement that God was clearly calling us out of our comfortable and somewhat predictable life.

The next day we called our landlord and put in our 30 day notice because we knew that the journey ahead of us was one that did not require stuff!

Bye Bye House...

Actually leaving this house was a big deal for us, in the regard that we chose this home because I was pregnant, so to let it go was really to let go of all our dreams and hopes that we thought would take place in this home.

Needless to say we have been learning as Paul says,

"Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ."

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